Goodbye to the R.O.N. + Project
It is with sadness and celebration that we say farewell to the RON + project.
Sadness because it is the end of a well-used and successful project and celebration because we have successfully been able to advise and help over a thousand people during the lifetime of the scheme.
We have been able to assist people with benefit issues, social and housing issues, disability related issues, as well as one to one support via the peer support element of the project. We have been able to offer many learning and social activities during this time, building self-confidence and improving health along the way. We have retained or gained over £1million in benefits for our clients.
We would like to say a big thank you to all of those people that have either been involved or who have supported the project via their volunteering.
We especially would like to thank the BIG Lottery for their unwavering support of the project.