Let us help you get your Money Sorted
D2N2 Money Sorted is a Financial Inclusion Project designed to improve your financial skills, educate you about financial products, address your debts and help you manage your money better.
We can help you to:
- Take control of your finances
- Budget effectively
- Become more confident dealing with money
- Reduce or completely remove debt repayments
- Increase your surplus income
- Get access to affordable credit
- Get access to essential financial products (Banking facilities, insurance etc.)
- Save money
In order to qualify for this project you must be in the Nottinghamshire area (excludes Nottingham City) registered unemployed or economically inactive (carer, unable to work due to long term sickness or disability, pensioner etc.) and have the right to live and work in the UK.
You must also be willing to complete the program in full so that you can achieve your financial goals.
If you think this project could benefit you then please contact Daniel Staniland (Money Advisor) on 01623 658060 or daniel@disabilitynottinghamshire.org.uk.